Men's bun: how can you collect your hair?

  1. A bit of history
  2. Features of the hairstyle
  3. How to do your hair
  4. Who is it for

On the street, you can often see representatives of the strong half with strands gathered at the back of the head in high bunches. Often this type of hairstyle is combined with a thick and long beard. It looks stylish and original.

A bit of history

This hairstyle has gained popularity quite recently. Before it became widely known, some men and young people gathered their hair in a bun, but this was mostly done by the hipster subculture and bartenders. Now the male bun is in trend. Celebrities, athletes, men of different professions prefer this method of tying up long hair.

The history of twisting strands in a knot is lost in the deep past. In ancient Japan, the inhabitants traditionally collected their hair, it was according to the hairstyle that the belonging to a particular class was determined.

It is believed that the modern "meng bang" (high bun) was once worn on the head of a samurai. Samurai were privileged warriors and wore special hairstyles.

The most famous are the following:

  • the fruit of the ginkgo tree (they shaved the forehead and crown of the head, left a curl in between, which, when connected to the curls at the temples and the back of the head, was twisted into a knot at the crown);
  • a large fruit of the ginkgo tree (it differs in that the strands are not shaved, but tied in a knot, as in the first version).

The hair was fastened with metal objects. The hair gathered in a bun absorbed the blows on the helmet, and metal accessories could become a formidable weapon in the hands of a warrior. It is customary to depict the statue of the solar Buddha with hair gathered in a knot. Perhaps this image is not accidental - in this way tied strands help contemplation and preservation of clarity of consciousness.

Features of the hairstyle

The idea that only a short haircut is suitable for a man has long been irrelevant. Modern stylish hairstyles are made for hair of various lengths. One of the most fashionable is a high bun at the back of the head.

To create a hairstyle, you need hair no shorter than 15 cm. They are conveniently collected in a voluminous knot. There are male bunches of different types:

  • full "meng bang" (long hair is completely gathered in a high knot);
  • low "Meng Ban" (the same, but located below);
  • "Top knot" (a small bun with shaved temples and the back of the head).

"Meng Ban"

The new type of hairstyle swept away the previously existing stereotypes. The hairstyle looks stylish and sporty. Suitable for travel and business meeting. The strands are collected at the back and fixed over the back of the head or at the back of the head. Individual strands can be left for release. Long hair or medium length is most suitable for hairstyle "Meng Ban"

In the classic version, the hair should be approximately shoulder-length, up to at least 23 cm, but 25-26 cm is much more comfortable. Shorter strands can be tied into a samurai bun at the crown of the head to help hold the hair, you can use hair gel. "Meng ban" is worn on dreadlocks and braids, gathering them in a bun.

"Top knot"

Recently, it is considered the most popular hairstyle. She requires a special haircut: most often the temples and the back of the head are cut or shaved. Long strands from the forehead and crown of the head are collected on the crown in different ways:

  • the bundle on the crown is not tightened, but slightly straightened;
  • tightly assembled and strongly tightened knot;
  • the eastern version - the hair is collected in a tail, straightened on the sides and fixed with elastic bands.

The hairstyle requires long hair at the crown, usually up to 15-17 cm. The rest of the areas are trimmed with a clipper or shaved completely.

Very short strands are gathered at the crown of the head in a small tail, this variety is called pineapple (pineapple).

With long hair, you should pay a little more attention to the hairstyle.

  • Choose a shampoo that matches your hair type. Use warm water for washing, hot water is not recommended. Very high temperatures dry out the skin. It is recommended to wash your hair twice, after washing, use a conditioner balm. A two-in-one rinse shampoo can be preferred.
  • Wet hair should not be combed, as this makes it brittle and split ends. You will need a good natural comb, such as a wooden comb or horsehair brush. Inexpensive plastic products electrify strands, making them naughty.
  • The ends will begin to split over time. Periodically long strands are trimmed. So they look more well-groomed, comb better and grow better.

How to do your hair

Tying your hair in a knot is not difficult at all, even without certain skills. You can use or do without styling product. This type of hairstyle has a number of advantages:

  • long hair in a bun does not interfere, does not get tangled and gets dirty less;
  • suitable for any male type;
  • you can do a haircut irregularly.

You can place it on the top or on the back of the head, but stylists do not recommend making the knot very low. It is better to try several times to collect hair at different heights and choose a more comfortable and attractive option.

To collect hair in a bun, you need to follow some tips.

  • Hair must be kept clean. It is recommended that you wash your hair and dry it before making a bun. Dirty strands slip and look untidy.
  • You will need a comb and hair tie.
  • Apply some styling product, such as grease, styling, mastic, or regular gel. You can do without them.
  • Comb your hair from below and from above, gather at the top of your head in a ponytail.
  • Thread the ponytail through the elastic several times.
  • When tight enough, twist the tail with a tourniquet and thread only a third of the tourniquet through the elastic.
  • The bundle is ready.

Who is it for

The hair, tied in a knot, completely reveals the face, it is enough to pay attention to the old photographs of the samurai. This hairstyle emphasizes the contour of the forehead and the oval of the face. If there are significant flaws in the forehead line, it makes sense to think about whether such a hairstyle is needed? Chin imperfections are easy to hide with beards of different lengths and shapes. This type of hairstyle is very suitable for men with a square and round face. The tuft on the back of the head softens the square shape and visually lengthens the forehead area.

In case of doubt, you can always seek advice from a professional stylist who will help you with your choice.

For information on how to collect long hair in "meng bang", see the next video.

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