T-shirts for men

  1. Color spectrum
  2. Material and style
  3. What are the inscriptions
  4. How to wear correctly

Handsome men's T-shirts are the most demanded item of clothing at any time of the year. This is a versatile piece of clothing that goes well with any everyday outfit. Previously, T-shirts were worn strictly in a sporty style, but now they are appropriate in different ensembles. Stylists put T-shirts for men with inscriptions apart. They can be not only funny, but also creative, abstract, exclusive.

It is very important to organically fit such a T-shirt into the outfit, taking into account the style, color combinations, current trends, because such models increase the risk of looking ridiculous and strange.

In this article, you will learn how to choose the right T-shirt with the inscription and harmoniously compose an image with this wardrobe item.

Color spectrum

This is the first selection criterion, since it is the color scheme that determines the impression of the whole image. Moreover, this applies to T-shirts with inscriptions: by themselves, they are already quite creative, so it is so important to choose the color correctly. First of all, the background can be either contrasting, emphasizing the inscription, or similar in tone, so that the inscription is barely readable. The most common shades used as backgrounds:

  • White;
  • black;
  • blue and blue;
  • Gray.

    These colors are neutral, so they hold back any creativity and balance it out. White and black tees are basic, but lettering excludes them from this category. The color of the inscription, like the background, can be laconic or bright. Lovers of experimentation and extravagant looks can pay attention to rich colors: red, green, yellow.

    Material and style

    The inscriptions are applied to T-shirts made of different materials, whether natural or synthetic:

    • cotton - an excellent option for every day, it is comfortable, allows the body to breathe, pleasant to the touch, wears for a long time;
    • polyester - synthetic fabric, lasts a long time, practical, the price of such T-shirts is budgetary, but there are also high-quality expensive models;
    • blended fabrics - most often it is a mixture of cotton and polyester in different proportions (not the best option, since the lowest-grade synthetics are used here);
    • viscose - a practical fabric, it is hygienic, but not too durable in wear;
    • linen - high-quality natural material, but wrinkles too quickly and is rough to the touch, the price is high;
    • silk - another quality material, but very expensive and completely impractical.
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      In addition to the material, it is very important to choose the right style, because no catchy lettering will distract attention from the incorrect proportions or flaws of the figure exposed. First of all, you need to choose the right length. Shortened options are only suitable for short and slender men. For individuals above average height, it is better to prefer medium length.

      T-shirts with inscriptions can have different cutouts: for wide-shouldered, V-shaped, narrow-shouldered - classic.

      Extra pounds will allow you to hide a loose or straight cut, tight-fitting options are suitable only for men with a sporty physique.

      What are the inscriptions

      Consider several options for what can be the inscriptions made on T-shirts for the stronger sex.


      Now at the peak of popularity are models of T-shirts with logos, inscriptions, and symbols of a creative sense. Designers produce collections of T-shirts and T-shirts with their own logos and various phrases. For creative and courageous men, there are quite a few options in this line. The theme of the inscriptions can be intellectual or humorous, complemented by drawings and ornaments. T-shirts with oriental hieroglyphs are very relevant.


      Aphorisms and funny inscriptions are also very popular today. Most of these models are suitable for wearing only at home, in the country, on vacation. However, there are some pretty clever variations that are appropriate in a youth image. Jokes in a foreign language, most often English, are very relevant.


      Such models are preferred to be worn by men who claim originality and seek to emphasize their non-triviality. Abstraction, complemented by an inscription, is one of the most iconic ways to decorate T-shirts. The lettering is usually as intricate and complex as the image itself. The pattern can decorate both the entire T-shirt and the center. Such models are perfect for creative young people. In adulthood, more discreet options are preferred.

      Phrases and quotes

      The inscriptions on a T-shirt can be not only funny and humorous, but also meaningful. Models decorated with famous quotes of great people, phrases from works are very popular. Such T-shirts are preferred by intellectuals, witty men. Most often, they acquire an inscription that is somehow close to their worldview, associated with a memorable event. Most of these inscriptions are created exclusively, to order.

      Stylists recommend choosing funny lettering for young people who are looking for self-expression through clothing.... For men of a creative mind, catchy combinations of abstract drawings and text are more suitable. Solid respectable people should choose T-shirts with quotes and phrases of famous people.

      How to wear correctly

      First of all, you need to understand that models with captions, the more funny, must correspond to the status, character, age. Intimate phrases look ridiculous in the image of a man in the 50+ category, but on a young man they can be quite appropriate. Regardless of whether a T-shirt is fun or serious, it is very important that it matches a particular event. If you plan on meeting friends in an informal setting, you can wear something humorous as well. On a date, it is better to limit yourself to abstract options, hieroglyphs, but at work it is better to avoid such things altogether.

      Don't forget about character, lifestyle. Everything should be organic: it is very bad if the inscription contradicts your image.

      Creative men can afford non-trivial, catchy T-shirts. If you are the soul of the company, humorous lettering is definitely suitable for you. It is better for intellectuals and respectable people to limit themselves to witty phrases and quotations. All of this is extremely individual.

      Besides, T-shirt with the inscription should be well combined with other items of the ensemble... If monochrome T-shirts are combined with almost any type of clothing, then models with inscriptions have limitations. Ideally, these things look with sweatpants, with jeans, informal trousers such as chinos, cargo, slacks. Jacket is absolutely excluded!

      When choosing an inscription in a foreign language or a hieroglyph, take the trouble to find out how the phrase is translated, what meaning it carries. After all, often there may be something completely different from what you expect: an obscenity or an extremist slogan. Stylists recommend that you be careful with large brand logos placed in the center of the T-shirt. They simplify the image, look frivolous and pretentious.

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