How to fold a T-shirt?

  1. Popular options
  2. Features of folding of different types
  3. How to fold as a gift?
  4. Recommendations

Beautifully folded clothes on the shelves of shops and various boutiques attract the attention of consumers. It is enough to go to the rack and choose the appropriate size of the style you like.

Surely many were interested in the question of a similar order in the home closet. After all, neatly folded things not only create the overall beauty of the wardrobe, but also significantly save free space. However, not every housewife can fold clothes in this way.

Few women and men know the secrets of proper folding of things, especially T-shirts, of which there are much more in the family wardrobe than other elements of clothing.

Popular options

Today, there are enough methods to fold T-shirts beautifully and neatly. Thanks to these methods, it will be possible to save free space not only in the closet, but also in the chest of drawers. Various life hacks are devoted to this topic on social networks, in which housewives share easy and convenient ways to fold clothes. For suitcase fees, the T-shirts are rolled up. A similar scheme, in principle, can be used in a home cabinet, however, it is most preferable to use a flat layout method.

To begin with, it is suggested to get acquainted with the traditional way of folding T-shirts. This option is considered the easiest and most convenient for beginners.

  • It is necessary to carefully grasp the clothes by the hangers and fold them in a vertical line. In this case, the sleeves of the product must be aligned.
  • Then the sleeves are folded back. The bottom of the shirt folds over to the tip of the sleeves, and the top folds gently towards the bottom of the shirt.

For training on a long journey, you need to fold the jerseys correctly and compactly, thanks to which, during transportation, it will be possible to preserve the ironed appearance of the clothes.

  • The T-shirt must be laid out on a flat surface and creases that have arisen removed.
  • The bottom edge of the shirt should be folded 15 cm. Visually, in a vertical format, divide the shirt into three parts, then fold the sides towards the center.
  • The prepared base is rolled up from the bottom side, after which the product can be folded into a suitcase.

Most housewives want to know how to fold T-shirts in store, of which there are 2 types. To some, they may seem complicated, but after getting used to, these processes will take a few seconds.

First way:

  • the T-shirt lays down on a flat surface with the right side down;
  • one sleeve with part of the base of the T-shirt is tucked towards the center;
  • then the product is folded in half, while all the irregularities must be smoothed out;
  • the second sleeve is wrapped in a triangle shape.

Second way:

  • as in the first case, the T-shirt is laid on a flat surface;
  • then the sleeves are folded over the back;
  • the lower part of the T-shirt is tucked in by about 15 cm;
  • The resulting bottom edge is folded to the very top of the shirt.

Interesting folding techniques were also developed in different countries, and mankind still uses some of them. For example, the Chinese technique, which uses only three captures of the thing.

  • T-shirt unfolds on a flat straight surface face up and visually divided into 2 parts horizontally.
  • The middle of the shoulder seam is located (index A). A visual straight line is drawn from it to the middle of the product (indicator B).
  • Next stage - correct hand placement. The right one should capture the indicator "A", the left one holds on to the indicator "B".
  • The left hand remains motionless, only the right one works.
  • Smoothly move the right hand to the bottom of the shirt and holds it firmly with your fingers.
  • Then both hands are lifted up, the product is shaken slightly, and the T-shirt can be sent to the closet.

The Italian method of folding T-shirts looks very interesting.

  • The T-shirt is taken in a horizontal position. One hand holds the shoulder seam close to the neckline, the other holds the bottom of the shirt.
  • The free sleeve folds over the back.
  • The shirt is then folded in half where the neckline meets the bottom.
  • The remaining sleeve is also folded over the back of the shirt.

Japanese methods, and there are 2 of them, can be compared in execution with origami. The first way.

  • The football is laid out on a flat surface, the right side is facing you, the front part is up.
  • With your right hand, you need to grab the middle of the shoulder seam. Draw a straight line downward in your mind, and grab its midpoint with your left hand. Thus, the arms were parallel to each other.
  • Next, the right hand must be taken downward, crossing it with the left hand, and grab the end of the shirt.
  • After the T-shirt is lifted up, the arms are parted, and the product is shaken.
  • The last step is to fold the shirt in half.

Second way.

  • This technique is most often used to fold things into drawers.... The shirt must be laid out on a flat surface. Visually represent the center dividing lines horizontally and vertically.
  • The left side of the shirt is folded to the midline shown.
  • The sleeve is tucked in the opposite direction so that its edges do not protrude beyond the boundaries of the created rectangle. A similar folding procedure is carried out on the right side.
  • The created rectangle is split into 4 horizontal parts.
  • The lower part folds up to ¾, then folds in half and covered with the loose part of the T-shirt.

The simplest and most popular is the children's way of folding T-shirts.

  • The thing must be put on a flat surface with the face down. Smooth out wrinkles and unevenness.
  • Roll up sleeves towards the center of the shirt.
  • The folded rectangle is folded in half several times, initially vertically, and then horizontally.

Features of folding of different types

Each wardrobe item needs an individual approach. And this applies not only to washing, but also to folding clean clothes. However, each individual folding method is divided according to the style of clothing and options for its decoration. For example, it can be T-shirts with prints, polo shirts, sleeveless or wrestling shirts, T-shirts with long and short sleeves.

An important requirement for proper folding of clothing is to maintain a well-groomed and sleek look. In no case should deformation of the fabric be allowed, otherwise the clothes will lose their presentable appearance.

Folding men's underwear is much easier than folding women's T-shirts, which have various decorations in the form of embroidery or sequins. This decor may come off when folded.

Correctly folding a printed T-shirt is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. If the design takes up a small area, you can use the most common folding method. To begin with, the product lies on a flat, straight surface with the wrong side facing you. The absence of folds and folds in the image will help to avoid the appearance of cracks in the picture. The sleeves themselves are tucked neatly behind the back and along the edges, after which the thing is bent in a horizontal position. If the print on the T-shirt takes up a large area, it is better to keep it on a hanger. A similar storage method is assumed for clothing with glued applique.

When folding the polo shirts, make sure that there are no creases on the neck of the product... The T-shirt lies on a flat, straight surface with the right side up. It is important to get rid of all wrinkles. The middle of the polo is tucked towards the bottom of the product, the sleeves are folded inside the resulting rectangle, then the item is visually divided into three parts. First, one side is bent to the center, the second lies on top of the first.

It is very easy and simple to fold the sleeveless jackets. In this case, it does not matter which style this product belongs to. And so that they do not wrinkle, it is best to use the roll-to-roll method. The process of folding long-sleeved T-shirts raises a lot of questions for many housewives. But in fact, there are no problems in this case. It is enough to place the product on a flat surface. Tuck the left side of the T-shirt to the center, and fold the sleeve parallel to the side seams. A similar operation is performed on the right side. The last step of folding is to fold the bottom of the T-shirt a few centimeters, after which the product is folded in half and sent to the closet.

The hostesses pay special attention to T-shirts, which are very difficult to fold.... The reason for this is the tight collar. For this style, you need to use store folding methods. Thus it will turn out to maintain the shape of the collar and maintain the ironed condition of the clothes.

Models of sweaters and T-shirts with a hood, as well as items with a large print, are recommended to be stored on a hanger.

How to fold as a gift?

It is one thing to put your personal T-shirts in a closet, and quite another to decorate them as a gift. In this case, it is advisable to use the liner method. We are talking about a base made of a dense material, such as cardboard. Thanks to this insert, it turns out to keep the presentable appearance of the thing.

When using the liner method, it is important to follow the step-by-step instructions.

  • First you need to put the T-shirt on a straight, flat surface with the right side down. Put prepared cardboard in the central part near the gate.
  • Next, fold the right and left sides of the T-shirt over the firm base. Thus, the edges will fit around the cardboard.
  • Then the cardboard, wrapped around the edges of the shirt, is folded along the center line, thereby creating even edges.

For a beautiful and presentable design of gift clothes, rigid packaging is ideal. In its absence, you can use ordinary wrapping paper and a bow. This requires a small set of additional tools, namely double-sided tape and scissors.

  • Prepared shirt must be placed in the center of the wrapping paper so that there is approximately 5-7 cm of stock left on each edge... The cut-to-size package is folded according to the markings.
  • The edges of the wrapping paper are folded 1 cm on each side and lay over the top of the shirt. Then the joints are connected.
  • The sides of the wrapping paper are folded trapezoidal and overlapped.
  • As an additional decorative element you can use a bow or gift ribbon.

The "pigtail" method is especially honored in the design of a gift T-shirt. This will require the gift itself, wrapping paper, double-sided tape, scissors and various decorative items for decoration. Some experience is required to apply this packaging method. In its absence, you can practice on plain paper.

  • To begin with, the T-shirt is laid in a square using a rigid base. Then it is placed on the edge of the wrapping paper so that the remaining part covers the end piece.
  • The bottom of the paper folds, thereby covering the gift.
  • Further, the gift wrapper is folded from the sides to the ends, so, to get triangular ears of small and large sizes.
  • Small valves are braided like a pigtail, first one side, then the other.Large ears are folded in a similar pattern.
  • The upper eyelet is fixed with scotch tape and decorated with decorative elements.

If the T-shirt is intended for a gift to a man, it is not recommended to decorate the surface of the gift wrapping with many decorative elements. The wrapping paper itself should have a discreet pattern of neutral colors.


Each style of T-shirt has a different folding method. They must be turned out onto the front side, after which the sleeves must be carefully laid. If folded incorrectly, it is on this part of the T-shirts that wrinkles remain. It is important for the hostess to independently determine which way of folding the T-shirts is more acceptable for her.

Dedicated hangers are the ideal solution for storing T-shirts properly. The indisputable advantage of this method is that in any situation the T-shirt will have a presentable appearance, and most importantly - no folds or damaged patterns on the fabric.

But even when choosing hangers for such a familiar wardrobe item, you should be more careful. Plastic and wooden hangers are ideal. Metal hangers take up more space in the closet, and low-quality metal can negatively affect the fabric.

There are not really many tips for properly folding and storing linen, but if you adhere to them impeccably, you will be able to extend the life of the entire wardrobe.

In the next video, there are 12 easy ways to fold a T-shirt.

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